• By accepting our terms and conditions, you will gain access by right to our analysis services, trading signals and any online educational broadcasts. The services will be provided to you via telegram chat and telegram live..


  • Acceptance of the term establishes obligations contracted freely and spontaneously, for a fixed period of time, between the services and the user. By using the services, the user fully accepts these rules and undertakes to comply with them, at the risk of being subject to the applicable penalties. Acceptance of these terms is essential for the use of any services provided by FxWave258. If you do not agree with the provisions of this instrument, you must not use it.


  • The user undertakes not to disclose their service access data to third parties and is fully responsible for any use made of it. The user must provide a valid email address, through which the site will carry out all necessary communications. Once the registration has been confirmed, the user will be notified in their e-mail with information containing the procedures to follow to access the content for which they have paid. It will not be permitted to transfer or sell the services provided, which are personal and non-transferable.


  • In the channel, the services offered are described and presented with the greatest degree of accuracy, containing information about their characteristics. Before finalizing the purchase of a service, the user should find out where it is intended for.

    The contracting of services will be renewed automatically by the website, regardless of communication to the user, by means of periodic charges using the same payment method indicated by the user when contracting the service.


  • If you have any questions, suggestions or problems using the platform, you can contact support by e-mail: or WhatsApp _. Service available 24/24.


  • The user is responsible for a) defects or technical faults originating in the user's own device or system; b) the correct use of the services offered, taking care of good coexistence, respect and cordiality between the parties involved; c) the protection of your account access data; d) complying with and respecting all the rules set out in these Terms of Use;


  • These Terms of Use grant users a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and make use of the services it makes available.

    These Terms of Use do not assign or transfer any rights to the user, so that access does not generate any intellectual property rights for the user, except for the limited license granted herein.

    The use of the services by the user is personal, individual and non-transferable, and any unauthorized use, commercial or non-commercial, is prohibited. Such use will constitute a violation of the intellectual property rights of the company name.


  • Without prejudice to other applicable legal measures, the company may, at any time, warn, suspend or cancel the user's contract: a) who violates any provision of these terms; b) who fails to comply with their duties as a user; c) who engages in any fraudulent, hurtful or offensive behavior towards third parties.


  • Failure to comply with the obligations set out in these Terms of Use may, without prior notice, result in immediate unilateral termination by the company and the blocking of all services provided to the user..


  • The items described herein PRIVACY POLICYmay be changed unilaterally and at any time by the provider, in order to adapt or modify the services, as well as to meet new legal requirements. The changes will be announced either on www.fxwave258.co.mz or by another means of communication between the parties, and the user may choose to accept the new content or cancel the use of the services.

  • In addition to these Terms, the user must consent to the provisions contained in the respective Privacy Policy to be presented to all interested parties within the service channel interface.